Notre expérience
Nearby points of interest
Domaine du Vieux Couvent is located at approximately 5 kms of the airport and ferry.
Many touristic attractions and points of interest are close by, such as:
On Havre aux Maisons Island:
- Dune du Sud (South Dune) beach and caves
- Cap Alright Lighthouse
- Fruits de mer Madeleine (fish market)
- Le Barbocheux (local fine liquor producer)
- La Verrerie La Méduse (glass blowing)
- Le Fumoir d’Antan, smoking Économusée (traditional smokehouse)
- La Fromagerie du Pied-De-Vent, cheese making Économusée (local fine cheese producer)
- Les Cultures du Large, mariculture
- Miel en Mer (honey producer)